Friday, September 4, 2009

Kurt's Song Writing Method

Detail of a Squier-made Fender Stratocaster. N...Image via Wikipedia

Writing songs can be done several different ways... No method seems to be foolproof for me but I often stick to the same formula. Deciding exactly how to write a song can help in the process. It's easy to get in a slump and give up.

I have heard Kurt Cobain say that his method was "music first, lyrics after". He was basically saying that he comes up with the music first before anything else. When he get's that to something that sounds listenable he starts adding lyrics to the existing music.

After hearing that tip I started considering and using this method. I would sit with my guitar and come up with a chord pattern. I would play that again and again many different ways to see what seemed the most catchy. Fast, slow, different rhythms.

Then I could often put the guitar down because I had basically memorized the music from playing it so long. The pattern was often simple so I would have the music in my head and it would simply linger around in there.

I could then finish the songs later at the bar, coffee shop, living room, work office. I already had the music. I would simply start writing lyrics and a melody that went along with the music I already had in my head.

This method helped me churn out many songs in a relatively short period of time. If I was a decent guitar player (Im a drummer) I could certainly work out a lot more.

You can absolutely use this method with a band situation too. Put some music together first. Get the parts down together and play it over and over. Then site down or play a bit at a time and write the lyrics. Or the singer can write an "goof" around on the mic while the band throws these chord patterns together.

This style of song writing may not work for everyone but it has done good things for me. I don't write a whole lot of music these because I am always typing on this keyboard. But if and when I do go on another song writing spree most of the songs will probably be created this way.

Well I'm off to the next blog to write some other free music jargon. Check it later!

My Music Project

Welcome to one of my musical project blog's that I am throwing together to hopefully get my music heard and to make a little spending cash on the side. (Isn't that what life is all about?)

Music and song writing has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I remember being in the 2nd grade listening to the Beatles Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The infectious music coming from the speakers as I sat in front of the little fold up record player.

Ever since then I have been hooked. I love listening and hearing other people's music. I would always travel around town with the night and listen to peoples demos. It was interesting the reaction to people I would meet when I would ask them to play THEIR demo instead of some new Breeders record or something.

I would then tell them what I thought about it after listening carefully... Often they would give me the demo to check out further. They always seemed grateful that somebody was interested in hearing their songs.

Feel free to comment on these blogs and contact me anytime! davestuff (at)