Monday, August 31, 2009

My Basic Song Writing Method

Welcome to my Blog to discuss my song writing method. I have been writing songs for years using a variety of different techniques. Music production and song writing has been a passion of mine for over 20 years.

Am I super star, rock star, money making music professional? No. But I write songs for the fun of it...Just like I create websites for the fun of it.

Song writing is therapeutic for me. And I hope it is for you too..
Any questions? Contact me at my mains site where I offer free music for download.

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My Music Project

Welcome to one of my musical project blog's that I am throwing together to hopefully get my music heard and to make a little spending cash on the side. (Isn't that what life is all about?)

Music and song writing has been a passion of mine since I was a kid. I remember being in the 2nd grade listening to the Beatles Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. The infectious music coming from the speakers as I sat in front of the little fold up record player.

Ever since then I have been hooked. I love listening and hearing other people's music. I would always travel around town with the night and listen to peoples demos. It was interesting the reaction to people I would meet when I would ask them to play THEIR demo instead of some new Breeders record or something.

I would then tell them what I thought about it after listening carefully... Often they would give me the demo to check out further. They always seemed grateful that somebody was interested in hearing their songs.

Feel free to comment on these blogs and contact me anytime! davestuff (at)